CLCA Annual General Meeting – September 5, 2010



Call to Order: 10:05 a.m.

Introduction of Board Members: Bruce Hembroff ¡V past president, Trevor Winters ¡V president, Gary Cavanagh ¡V vice-president, Teddi Brown ¡V secretary, Joyce Harland ¡V treasurer, Gloria Belliveau, John George, Joan James, Scott Jordan, Brian McVicar, Kevin Alquire (regrets), Roy White (regrets), Ryan Givoli (absent)

Approval of Agenda: Elections will be moved from item 11 to item 8 on the agenda.
Motion to accept the agenda as amended.
Moved by Brian McVicar, seconded by Sandy Kluka , 75 3rd St. S.

Approval of Sept. 6, 2009 AGM minutes: Motion to accept the minutes as circulated. Moved by Gloria Belliveau, seconded by Scott Jordan.

Business arising from the minutes: Our web site has been invaded by porn spam. The administrator is looking for a new site and hopefully it will be up and running soon. The community plan has not yet been signed. The moratorium is not in effect at this time. The street signs are coming into effect this fall.
President Trevor stepped down from the chair and Vice-President Gary assumed it. He reported the attendance of the meeting.
In attendance: 92
Proxies: 25

President’s Report: The President’s report is printed on line. Motion: To accept the President’s report as circulated. Moved by Trevor Winters. Seconded by Sandy Kluka, 75 3rd St. S. Carried.
Vice-President Gary returned the chair to President Trevor.
Treasurer’s Report:

CLEAR LAKE CABIN ASSOCIATION – Treasurer¡¦s Report as of September 5, 2010
Revenue: As of May 31, 2010 $ 5,574.73
Income from Memberships 5,920.00
Total Revenue to September 1, 2010 $11,494.73
Expenses to September 1, 2010
Printing, stamps, receipt books, copies $ 60.72
Website service 07/24/2010 to 01/24/2011 25.46
Board Meeting and refreshments July 3, 2010 74.75
Travel for Board Meeting May 1, 2010 130.00
Sympathy card for Bruce Hembroff 2.57
525 window stickers 542.08
Policy Setting Meeting and refreshments July 24/10 120.02
Policy Setting Meeting and refreshments Aug. 21/10 40.75
Total Expenses to September 1, 2010 $ 996.35
Total Assets to September 1, 2010 $10,498.38
Westoba Bank Balance as of July 31, 2010 $ 6,499.06
Subtract outstanding cheques 105.18
Add outstanding deposits 4,091.50
Add Westoba Equity 8.00
Add Westoba Share 5.00
Bank Reconciliation $10,498.38
Respectfully submitted by: Joyce Harland, Treasurer
Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s Report as circulated. Moved by Joyce Harland, seconded by Russ Newton, 11 3rd St. N. Carried.

Web Site Report: The website is going well, people are slowly sending in their email addresses to be put on the Clear Lake Cabin Association mailing list.
We had a problem with the online forum a couple of weeks ago. I started noticing a few spams and I deleted them as they came in but then one day 150 or more came in all at once and we had to disable the site. We are looking into finding a more secure forum so just keep watching for it.
Someone had asked me at the last meeting if they could be notified by email when we put up any news letters or articles of interest. I now have instructions on the website on how to subscribe to what is called an RSS Feed. If you go to the website and subscribe to this, updated content from the website can be delivered to your email automatically at no cost. This information on how to do this is on the website under News & Announcements.
Respectfully submitted by: Joyce Harland, Web Administrator
Question: Can you pay for a secure site? We seem to have a healthy bank balance.
Joyce: Probably.
Trevor: As a board, we will resolve this situation.
Joyce explained how to go to the web to enrol and get updated content of the web delivered to your e-mail.
Motion: To accept the web site report. Moved by Joyce Harland, seconded by Alice Birnie, 36 2nd St. N. Carried.

Elections: The following slate of officers was presented:
�X President: Trevor Winters
�X Vice-President: Gary Cavanagh
�X Secretary: Teddi Brown
�X Treasurer: Joyce Harland
Nominations were called for three times from the floor.
The executive officers were declared elected by acclamation.

The following people let their names stand for the Board of Directors: Gloria Belliveau, Roy White, John George, Joan James and Brian McVicar.
Nominations were called for three times from the floor.
The board members were declared elected by acclamation.

Committee Reports:

DRB: No meeting was scheduled in the summer.

Townsite Security/ Neighbourhood Watch: Gloria apologized for the RCMP cancelling the neighbourhood watch meeting on July 26. She has met with the park wardens. She intends to meet with the gentleman at Sandy Lake who is presently running a good program. In regards to the dog issue where a person was bitten by a dog off leash, the matter is handed over to the park wardens. Motion: To accept the DRB and Townsite security reports. Moved by Gloria Belliveau, seconded by Bruce Hembroff. Carried.
Ena Leskiw 52, 4th St. S.: Can signs be placed on the wood storage to indicate that the wood is our and should not be taken? We pay for it.
Gloria: Report the license number of the person to the Park office or to me and I will report it.
Motion: That signage be placed on all the wood shelters indicating that the wood belongs to the cabin owners and is not to be taken. Moved by Ena Leskiw, seconded by Kathy Metelski, 13 4th St. S. Carried.
Question: People have phoned the numbers on the washrooms re security and received no answer. What should we do?
Gloria: As a last resort, call me and I will try to handle it. In July, I suggested to Paladin that they walk from the playground to the boat cove re security and they have.
Suggestion: Put emergency numbers on the signage for the wood shacks.
Jeff Sim, 12 4th St. N.: If we have a washroom issue on the long weekend (re toilet backup), who do we call?
Don Huisman: Jasper dispatch has the list of who to call for the right job.

Vegetation: Gary Cavanagh, with the help of Joan James and Kevin Alquire, wrote a draft document for a vegetation management plan proposal. Twenty trees will be planted on September 29. Motion: To accept the vegetation report. Moved by Scott Jordan, seconded by Gary Cavanagh. Carried.
Ena Leskiw: What are you doing about carpenter ants?
Scott: To destroy them?
Don: Come to the Park. Tell them what you want to use and where. With carpenter ants, our trees are getting older. Present your chemical to Wybo. Our concern is what it is doing to the environment and people or children in the area.
Question: What is the turnaround time?
Don: It depends on the research needed.
Ena Leskiw: Should the Park not be doing this?
Don: Carpenter ants are a natural part of the ecosystem.

Marine: No report. John questioned the members as to who had had items stolen from the boat storage area. Question: Why are power boaters not being checked and fishermen are?
Don: The Park wardens deal with person resources. Drinking and dangerous driving is the RCMP. The wardens do not have the authority to stop power boaters. It is not their mandate. Motion: To accept the marine information. Moved by John George, seconded by Brian McVicar. Carried.
Question: What are we to do about people pulling tubes with children on them into the no wake zone?
John: This was discussed at the lake group. Hopefully signage will be posted to make people aware of procedure.
Jeff: Do the RCMP have a boat on the water?
John: I have not seen them out there this year.
Motion: That the President write a letter to the Superintendent of the Park requesting the Park look at increasing enforcement of the water safety regulations. This letter should be cc’d to the RCMP as well. Moved by Bruce Hembroff, seconded by John George. Carried.

President Trevor stepped down from the chair and Vice-President Gary assumed it.

Community Plan: At the policy meeting held in July, the directors broke into three groups to review areas re boat storage, water and sewer and footprint of future cabins. Trevor reviewed the policies formulated at the meeting. Some points discussed were survey, property assessment and release fees. What does this cost if we were to move to leases? How do we supply wood and maintain the cook shacks? What about liability? If we stay status quo, what are the options for long term permits? This is asking for information from the Park that we can post on our web site. For example, in cabins that are 16 by 24, can they have the same square footage with a second floor. Is it possible to raise the height to 17 feet? We do not want a row look and are looking to find ways to offer choices.
Brad Bullock: Would boat storage be part of our fee?
Gary: Initially I feel it would be a separate fee.
John: We need a marina. It is the only legitimate answer to our problem.
A. Cass, 46 4th St. S.:A while ago, we felt that we could not afford sewer and water, why do we feel we can now?
Trevor: To build a bathroom, Parks Canada recovers the cost from us. We are not advocating one side or the other, we are just getting information from Parks Canada.
Comment: Concrete costs to upgrade the bathrooms. Why can’t they just be renovated?
Trevor: If the Health inspector tells us to build to standard, what is it? The flip side is what is the cost of sewer lines?
Comment: Do you want to take a step ahead of the Community Plan? Are you hoping that by providing information to us, we are to pressure the federal government to sign it? Maybe we should be pressuring Parks Canada. We should phone our federal representative to get things going.
Trevor: You, as members, need to know what the Board is doing. This is policy developed by the Board.
Comment: I have sympathy for both sides. My concern is we may be moving too fast. If we all wrote letters to our MPs, we might get things moving.
Jeff Sim: I feel we are on the right track with the policies. Discussions will be held once the Community Plan is signed. I compliment the Board in being proactive.
Question: Who is the Minister who is signing the plan? Can we get his number in order to write or call him?
Trevor: Jim Prentice. I will put it on the web site for the members.
Suggestion: Write a sample letter on the web site.
Trevor agreed to do this.
Comment: Call your MP or his aide. Send an e-mail. Tell him what the situation is.
Motion: That a sample letter be put on the web site urging members to phone, e-mail or write a letter to their MP to sign off on the Community Plan. Moved by Carolyn Hunter, 107 3rd St., seconded by Jeff Sim. Carried.

Vice-President Gary returned the chair to President Trevor.

General Business: Motion: Any duly elected member of the Board of Directors who is absent from three consecutive meetings without cause, may by motion, as passed by a majority of Directors present at a duly called meeting, be removed from the Board of Directors. Moved by John George, seconded by Gary Cavanagh.
Question: Is the wording “may” be or “shall” be.
John: May be. Anyone can be away.
Question: If they miss three meetings with a legitimate reason and the Board can make the decision, would they be removed?
John: No. The Board requires a commitment. Other boards have a similar bylaw. We want people to be accountable to the association.
Question: We have duly elected the members to the Board. My concern is the member might be ousted if he misses three meetings due to illness.
Gary: We have three categories for attendance. We record attendance, regrets due to illness, family matters, etc and absence without cause or without informing the Board of the absence.
Jeff Sim: I am in support of the motion. How are you proposing to replace a director?
Trevor: As per the constitution at the next AGM. (Article III- 1d)
A vote was held and the motion was carried.

Parks Canada:

Community Plan – This is the Parks Canada version. The process was started in 2005 when we asked the boss. In 2006-7, it was discussed what could be changed. In 2008, we went to the people about their issues. Nothing definitive came from the people so we went to a comprehensive review. The Policy review is a great idea. I (Don) can not engage in conversations until the Plan is signed.
The Marina issue is a community discussion. I (Don) do not have permission from my boss to answer questions.

Maintenance- The wet Spring resulted in crews having to do catch up work and they will be working later into the fall.
Typically there are 60 development plans in a year. This year only 20 have applied.

Sewage lagoons – This is the second year on the project and we are almost complete. We are having some problems with computer programming. We are capturing all the sewage being generated by the community.

Recycling – The station has had a lot of debris this summer. We haul to Erickson to bale. It then goes to Brandon to a broker. They have had a backlog. We have looked at ordering more bins.

Web site – The camera on Wasagaming has had issues. We hope to resolve them over the winter and link to our web site. Parks Canada jobs are posted on our web site for the summer as well as full time.

Spruce Bud Worm – There are 21 traps around the Park to trap the moths. At this time, we have 25% of what we had last year.
Citizen Science programs are for people interested in helping the Park. For example, retrieval of elk collars.

There are 75 applications from across Canada for Don’s position when he retires. The new town site manager will be here in November. The crossover will be until the end of December.
John: What happened to the bench at the end of the main pier?
Don: It is the end of the contract for the Marina. With a new contract, we will be looking at having them provide furniture.

Next Meeting: Sunday, July 3, 2011 at the Jamboree Hall

Motion to adjourn made by Brad Collette, 70 4th St. S. at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Teddi Brown

The above minutes are for informational purposes only and still need to be accepted at the AGM 2011.

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