Parks Canada
General Information
Parks Canada’s Riding Mountain site has visitor information, fee’s, detailed trail and fishing information, safety, wildlife and education information for Riding Mountain National Park.
The Wasagaming Campground is using the National Parks Canada Campground Reservation Service. To reserve a campsite in our park, please visit the 24-hour Internet service or dial toll-free.
1-905-566-4321 – overseas
1-866-787-6221 – TTY
Riding Mountain National Park Trail Conditions
Frequently updated trail conditions for trails within Riding Mountain National Park
Friends of Riding Mountain National Park
Friends of Riding Mountain National Park is a non-profit organization, committed to increasing awareness and appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage of Riding Mountain National Park. Through innovative programming in partnership with Parks Canada and other like-minded organizations, Friends of Riding Mountain National Park provide valuable educational opportunities that inspire environmental stewardship.
Parkland Tourism
Tourism information specifiaclly about the Parkland Area of Manitoba
Travel Mantioba
The Government of Manitoba’s travel site, with listings and updated events for all of Friendly Manitoba.
Clear Lake Golf Course
One of the most beautiful golf courses in Canada. The Clear Lake Golf Course is located at the East end of Clear Lake and is open to the public.
Website and Graphic Designs – always unique. We designed this site and many of the new sites in Wasagaming, including
Tuesday, April 17, 2012