Board Policy – September 4, 2011

CLCA Board Policy
September 4, 2011

Because there has been such significant delays in signing off on the Community Plan and therefore significant delays in starting the comprehensive review, as a Board we decided to take a pro-active approach and tell Parks Canada what we want. The Board held our first Policy Development session on July 24, 2010, and the second session was held on February 12, 2011 . The purpose of the meetings was to develop Board Policy on issues important to our cabin area that we can present to you as cabin owners, and to Parks Canada as the official policy position of the Clear Lake Cabin Owners Association.

Results from the July 24, 2010 meeting are as follows and have been presented to our Superintendent and RMNP staff:

1. Boat Storage
We recommend that Parks Canada work towards and adequate and secure boat storage area for in-water and out of water boats
2. Water and Sewer issues
That the Board develop a policy paper with the co-operation of the Park, giving comparative information on all issues related to provision of water and sewer services in the cabin area. This to include information
– Building codes for public washrooms and cost estimates to build a public washroom – estimates to be in writing
– Shower building
– Multi year leasesĀ – cost of this.

– Cook Shacks – liability issues, costs
– Property assessment plus release fees
– Land survey – costs to cabin owners
– Governance structure – ie Condo development
– Initial costs to cabin owners to establish necessary infrastructure
– Outside washroom additions
– Building guidelines clarified for modifications in previoud point
– Conversion period
– Long term permits if we stay status quo
3. Footprint of Future Cabins
Board recommends that more variety of shape and profile be allowed on new building and renovations within the present square footage of 716 sq. Ft. And within the 16 foot by 32 foot size.
– Esthetics – more variety of cabin design
– Height – to be increased to 17 feet
– Height above grade – ie, flood free at floor level

The results of the Feb 12, 2011 meeting are as follows. These have not yet been presented to our superintendent

1. Policy: Improve alternate parking in the main parking lot and the boat storage area so we can have just two vehicles on designated lot parking areas.

Security is needed at night, not during the day.

2. Policy: Increase lights and security for the main parking lot/boat storage. Implement a neighbourhood watch program.

In terms of vegetation, there needs to be more aggressive reforestation including the cabin area, lakeshore, main pier area, the townsite and Deep Bay.

3. Policy: We recommend one down, one back.

(This policy needs to be checked by the vegetation plan formulated in 2010.)

4. Policy: Cook shacks are an integral part of the RMNP campground experience and we are in favour of the cook shacks and would like to keep them regardless.

It was suggested that we need a public relations committee to improve the cabin area image within the Park

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