CLCA Update – April 15, 2024

Dear CLCA members: I’m working on our CLCA spring 2024 newsletter which will include information about our General Meetings and planned social activities – watch your email inbox later this week for it!

In the meantime, here are a few updates that I got from Parks Canada today that I didn’t want to sit on:



Nothing to report on AIS at this time. Once decisions are made for lake use this summer it will be communicated by Parks Canada.


Water for individual Cabins and the other operational washrooms (i.e., the same four as last year anticipated to be open when they can be) is anticipated to be on prior to the May long weekend if weather cooperates. Typically, sewer lines remain frozen until that time. Parks Canada will notify the CLCA when the water is on.


Good News: the Shower Building is open and water testing is complete – drinking water is safe from the Shower Building, including the exterior tap which is on and available.

And thanks to the cooperation between the CLCA President and Wasagaming Townsite Manager, Parks Canada agreed to install coded keypads for the Shower Building. Keys will also continue to work for now or you can alternatively use the code. CLCA members can obtain the codes from the CLCA email address, and non-members can visit the front desk at the administration building with proof of cabin ownership.


Construction and archeological work will continue this spring for the pathway and installation of docks. The area will remain closed during construction. Please do not access the area (fencing has been put up around the area). It is anticipated that if all goes well the area should be open and accessible by the end of June. At this time there is no plan to allow kayaks or canoes to be left in that area this season regardless of lake use decisions. We will continue to work with the CLCA on possible solutions for future years (i.e., 2025 and beyond).

Christian Robin

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