This manual is useful for your home and cabin.
FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual
Washrooms Closed and Canoe/Kayak Removal
Update from Old Campground October 2020
1. Washrooms # 2 and # 7 and the shower building will remain open until water is turned off.
All remaining washrooms are closed.
2. October 11 – all Kayaks and Canoes and other watercraft are to be removed from the storage area at the 2nd street dock by this date
Lyle Grobb
CLCA President
CLCA Newsletter – August 2020
iPhone Found
Found iPhone by the shower building
July 16,2020
Identity phone at
37 3rd S Friday
15 2nd St N Saturday
iphone owner found and phone returned.
July 2020 CLCA Newsletter
Here is the July 2020 Newsletter.
CLCA Newsletter July 2020 07-05
Don’t Rush to Flush
A list of items that should not be flushed down the toilets or in slop sinks is attached. Click on the Don’t Rush to Flush PDF document for more details.
July CLCA General Meeting Cancelled
July Cabin Owners Meeting Cancelled – We regret to announce that due to Covid-19 the July 2020 General Meeting has been cancelled.
Newsletter – Watch for an upcoming newsletter
Paving of Parking Lot and Highway 10
Click on the link below for a PDF version.
IWe Riding Mountain NP – FII Hwy 10 and townsite microsealing
Townsite Parking Lot
The contractors are making every effort to complete the paving components of the work as quickly as possible. Rain experienced last week has slowed the landscaping portion of the project, but with favourable weather over the coming days it is anticipated that work will be completed within the next week or so.
Construction work on Highway 10 and townsite roads
Parks Canada would like to advise travellers that starting June 24, 2020, construction work will take place on Highway 10 through Riding Mountain National Park, from kilometre 17 to 25 (anticipated June 26-June28) ,along with the following roads in the townsite of Wasagaming:
• Ta-Wa-Pit Drive (from Highway 10 to Balsam Street) – June 25*
• Columbine Street (from Highway 10 to Wasagaming Drive) –June 29*
• Wasagaming Drive (from Highway 10 to Mooswa Drive) – June 30*
A micro sealant is being applied to the recently paved road to prolong the life of the asphalt – the work is expected to take a total of five days, weather depending. This application is part of a larger federal infrastructure road renewal project which will result in improved, safer travelling experience for visitors.
Public safety is a priority for Parks Canada. Visitors travelling through the park should be prepared for single-lane alternating traffic, speed reductions to 60 km/hour in the construction zone with traffic control personnel on site, and occasional delays of up to 15 minutes. Within the townsite, we ask visitors to follow construction signs and traffic controllers at the scene and to expect limited access to some roads while the application is completed. Hours of work are sunrise to sunset.
Parks Canada is completing this important infrastructure work to ensure safe, high-quality experiences for visitors by improving heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas.
Please note:
• Parks Canada is following advice from public health experts and implementing measures to support Canada’s efforts to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reduce the risks to Canadians, visitors, Parks Canada team members, and contractors working at our places.
• Parks Canada’s construction projects are considered part of the Agency’s critical services to the public. Most scheduled construction activities are proceeding as planned, but are subject to change due to the evolving situation related to COVID-19. Parks Canada will continue to communicate all developments to the public.
For news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit our public website at
Deadwood Wednesdays – June 24, 2020
Deadwood Wednesdays begin June 24, 2020. Click on the link below to view the PDF poster.
Washrooms Open – Old Campground
The washrooms open in CLCG besides the shower building are South end 1 and 3, North end 7 and 8.
Kevin Bachewich
Washrooms 3 and 7
In addition to the Shower building in the cabin area, Washroom #3 and #7 will be open as of today.
Other washrooms will come online over the next couple of weeks as we continue to have staff return to work.
Townsite Manager
AIS Seasonal Permit Holder Course
AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) Seasonal Orientation Sessions are back!
Due to Covid-19 the sessions will be done virtually this year.
Seasonal permits for your watercraft are available by taking an online informational course and quiz. For more information and a schedule, please visit
Starting June 12th, get your mandatory inspection before launching your motorboat, canoe, kayak, paddleboard, and inflatables into the water. Inspections are free and take only 15-30 minutes, call 204-396-4579 or 204-848-7275 to book a mobile appointment with an inspector after June 12th. For more information, visit our website:
Kevin Bachewich
Townsite Manager, Riding Mountain National Park
Resumption of Services – RMNP
Boil Water Advisory Lifted
The boil water advisory for the Clear Lake Cabin Area has been lifted.
Also the shower building should open early next week, we are targeting June 1, however it maybe a day or two later as we are currently getting some plumbing repairs and concrete work done around the building.
The Townsite washroom will be open for Monday and other individual washrooms in the cabin area will gradually open as we bring staff on.
From Kevin Bachewich – RMNP Townsite Manager
RMNP Update
Limited visitor access and basic services resume at Riding Mountain National Park
Issued: May 27, 2020
Starting June 1, 2020 Riding Mountain National Park will offer limited visitor access and basic services.
Visitors will be able to access as the following services and facilities:
• day-use trails, including cycling and horse back riding access on designated trails and pathways;
• day-use areas, including green spaces, picnic areas, and beach areas;
• public toilets and other visitor facilities;
• the townsite of Wasagaming, and;
• the bison enclosure at Lake Audy
Until June 1, these facilities remain closed and we ask that visitors respect these closures in order to allow park staff to do the necessary work to prepare for opening.
The large parking lot in Wasagaming will be open as will the smaller parking lots along Wasagaming Drive. The parking lot beside the Visitor Centre as well as the parking lot on the corner of Columbine and Ta-Wa-Pit will be under construction throughout June.
All boating, including motorboats, canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, etc. is prohibited on all park waters until our aquatic invasive species prevention program is fully operational. We are aiming to resume this service by June 12, 2020.
Visiting Riding Mountain National Park will be different than it has been in the past. Visitors are asked to plan ahead by checking the Riding Mountain National Park website before they travel to find out:
• what is open
• what they can expect
• how to prepare for their visit
The health and safety of visitors and employees is of utmost importance to the Government of Canada. Parks Canada is following the advice of public health experts and continues to make every effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Visitors should follow the advice of public health experts, including necessary hygiene practices and physical distancing of two metres from others.
Parks Canada is asking Canadians to be cautious and conservative in their use of these places, to observe any regional or provincial travel restrictions and to respect any closures that are in place. Anyone participating in recreational activities should be extra cautious to avoid injury and/or getting lost to help minimize the demands placed on search and rescue teams and on the health care system.
All camping facilities remain closed until at least June 21, 2020, while Parks Canada assesses whether and how these services might resume. Group activities and public events are suspended until further notice.
Detailed information on Parks Canada places and the measures the Agency is taking to limit the spread of COVID-19 can be found on the Parks Canada website: Please check regularly for updates.
Clear Lake Trading Post Discount
To Whom it may concern,
We would like to offer local cabin owners a discount to our grocery store to show appreciation for helping support us the past few years, as well as during these trying times. If you could forward on the message below to your members, we would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions please let us know.
Kind regards,
Wendy & Vince
Hi Clear Lake Cabin Owners,
We would like to introduce ourselves – Wendy & Vince, the owners of the Clear Lake Trading Post. This is our 4th season owning the grocery store and would like to pass on our appreciation to all the local cottage owners who have shopped with us the past few years. As we begin a different season with COVID-19, we have implemented an online grocery store for all your lake essentials. Lake shopping is made easy with a click and order system, where your groceries can be picked up via curbside pickup or delivered to your cottage. We offer fresh baked bread, buns, banana bread and other baked treats along with produce, dairy, meat, deli salads and dry goods. We feel at this time this offers the community the safest option to shop local, while protecting yourselves and our 2 small children who enjoy being in the store and part of our family run business.
If you are interested in purchasing from our online store, please send an email to [email protected] and we will provide you with an exclusive discount code for 10% off all grocery orders online over $35.00. Along with additional details on pre-orders, etc. Our website is
We thank you for your time, consideration and support. We hope to see you soon! Stay safe and take care,
Wendy & Vince Zinkowski
Clear Lake Trading Post
144 Wasagaming Dr
Wasagaming, MB
R0J 1N0
Deadwood Wednesdays Summer 2020
Townsite Update – May 15 2020
Water Turned On Boil Advisory in Place
From CLCA – President Lyle Grobb
Kevin Bachewich sent me this information today regarding the water in the old campground.
Seasonal maintenance is still underway on the water system, but the water for the cabin area was turned on today. Information on our water advisory is posed below.
Access to businesses, cottages, and cabins is permitted, keeping in mind that you are responsible to follow the advice of public health authorities for physical distancing and hygiene. Please note that parking is limited to designated parking stalls for those businesses (within their leasehold space) or on the street in front of those businesses. Local services are limited. Businesses can be contacted directly to . Parks Canada is asking that everyone support the efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.
All services and facilities such as washrooms, shower building, playground, all parking lots including the boat cove lot, and sheltered picnic areas(cook shacks) remain closed until at least May 31, 2020. Boating and fishing are prohibited in all park waters until further notice.
As per the province of Manitoba, all travelers, international and domestic, are required to quarantine (self-isolate) and self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days upon arriving in Manitoba. This includes crossing provincial boundaries by car. Stay inside, do not allow visitors, and limit contact with others.
Information will continue to be updated when available on our webpage at
WATER ADVISORY NOTICE – WATER SYSTEM SEASONAL MAINTENANCE IS IN PROCESS for the Clear Lake Cabin Area & East end Cottage Area. Will notify when maintenance is complete.
Until seasonal maintenance is completed:
Water is not proven safe for consumption.
Boil water protocols apply.
These are identified in the fact sheet Boil Water Advisory for Manitoba Water System Users.
The fact sheet is available on the Manitoba Website
( and is summarized below.
Due to seasonal maintenance, all water should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:
Drinking and ice making
Beverage preparation, such as infant formula
Preparing food
Brushing teeth
It is not necessary to boil tap water used for other household purposes, such as laundry or washing dishes. Adults and older children that are able to avoid swallowing the water can wash, bathe, or shower. Young children should be sponge bathed. If boiling is not feasible, an alternate and safe supply of water should be used.
To avoid burn injuries from hot water, caution should be taken. Please keep young children away from boiled water, and place kettles and pots away from counter and stove edges.
Kevin Bachewich