The following update is provided by Koreen Miko of Parks Canada:
Clear Lake Campground area update
Good Morning, with the cooler temperatures among us, our Water / Wastewater staff will be shutting off the water to the Old Campground area on Monday, October 28. By the middle of next week, they will be shutting off the individual valves in front of each cabin. The water to the shower building will still be available till November 1.
In the next couple of weeks, we intend to do some work pouring sidewalks / skirting around the shower building for improved accessibility. We do not have a specific date for this yet, however if we can’t do it this fall, and the work is pushed to next Spring, we will try to provide a couple of days notice to the Lessees.
Thank you,
Koreen Miko
Riding Mountain National Park
Parks Canada / Government of Canada