Hello CLCA members!
Your CLCA Board of Directors is fulfilling its promise to survey the membership before renewing the Constitution and working to represent all members.
We have partnered with Probe Research to conduct the survey, and the process began late last week and will continue until the end of this week. We’ve heard from some of you that you did not receive the survey, and in large part this is because we are limiting the number of respondents to one per cabin. If you have multiple email addresses associated with your cabin, you’ll want to check with these family members to see if they’ve received the invitation to participate, and use that unique invitation link to submit your responses.
If you’re certain the invitation didn’t go to another email associated with your cabin, and you’ve checked your junk/spam email folder, you can reach out to Probe Research directly to let them know, and be sure to include your name, email, and cabin address. The email for Probe research is: [email protected]
Thank you,
Christian Robin
President, CLCA