Board Meeting, June 22/2014

Present: Brian McVicar, Brad Colette, Nelda Didychuk, Scott Jordan, Paul Barnabe, Joanne Lombaert, Joyce Harland, John George, Keith Vinthers, Joan James
Regrets: Trevor Winters, Gloria Belliveau, Kevin Alguire

Meeting called to order by President McVicar at 9;26 AM
Minutes from the last meeting reviewed. Motion to accept minutes as written made by Keith Vinthers, seconded by Paul Barnabe. Motion passed.
Review agenda for General Meeting, Sunday June 29th
– Ask park to clean up Jamboree Hall before meeting (seats muddy etc), Joyce to check on this. Amended Motion by Keith Vinthers, Seconded by John George, “if the Parks do not clean the hall, we hire someone to clean for a maximum of $20”, motion passed.
– (Because we were unsure if Parks reps would attend meeting, Brian was reading from information sent to him) Dwight and Dale encourage patience with the status of water lines etc. Because of confusion with many different workers in the fall, some water lines were not properly drained. We ask that Parks explain this to membership.
– Status of streets, preparation work will begin early in July however paving will not happen until Sept.
– Paved sidewalks are not in the plan at this time
– Weight restrictions will be imposed after paving is done
– $5000 infrastructure fee not due until July 2015
– All development must occur within lot lines and to code. Sheds for hot water tanks are inspected by Manitoba Hydro through their permit process.
– Release of new lots – no plans to release more lots this season.
– Discussion of lake issues, hiring of new project manager, environmental issues re fish species and zebra mussels.

Parks Representatives arrive at 10:15

Boat cove expansion: A new project manager will be hired to deal with all lake issues. This position will not be filled until later in the season. It was recommended that the CLCA together with the WTA bring our concerns to the attention of the new project manager. Board recommendations: Moved by Brian McVicar and seconded by John George “The CLCA recommends that no launch fee be initiated until major improvements in cove access road, parking and launch ramps have been made, as well as a strategy for cleaning boats new to the area”. Motion passed.

– Rac report, Michael Rac was hired to work on the comprehensive review. The board feel we should have consultation with Michael Rac before the report is complete. A meeting will be scheduled with Michael by mid July.
– Storm sewer repair on 1st and 2nd street has been completed.
– Park have agreed to a “one time” cleaning of Jamboree Hall before the spring meeting.
– Omminik Marsh walk has been relocated, it is now a loop trail with entrance and exit located just north of old entrance (by the grassy area on Boat Cove Road).
– New shower heads with motion controls will be installed over the summer on a staggered installation schedule.
– Re sheds for hot water tanks, please check web site for regulations.
– Park models are accepted provided they meet all park regulations.
Park representatives left meeting at 11:40
Treasurers report, submitted by Joyce Harland:
As of June 20/2014
Revenue as of March 31/2014 $4617.96
Membership deposit $2400.00
Jamboree Hall donations deposit $550.00
Sold 2 keys $10.00
Total revenue as of June 20/2014 $7577.96
April 26 Paul Barnabe, mileage (less $20 membership) $95.20
April 26 John George, Mileage (less $20 membership) $101.50
May 5 Joyce Harland, refill 2 ink cartridges $27.10
May 8 Hosting Website for one year $71.88
Domain name renewal $10.49
May 20 Brian Mc Vicar, printing newsletter $91.84
May 20, 24 June 3,6,16,18 Joyce, mileage to bank,
Post office, RM of Park (using computer) $40.55
Total Expenses to June 20 $438.56
Total Assets to June 20 $7139.40
Westoba Balance as of May 31, 2014 $6388.45
Outstanding deposits $880.00
Outstanding cheques $142.05
Add Westoba share $13.00
Bank reconciliation as of June 20/2014 $7139.40

Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Keith Vinthers, seconded by Brad Colette. Motion passed.
– Representative needed to represent CLCA on the WTA finance committee. Moved by Keith and seconded by Paul that Trevor Winters be nominated as our rep. Motion passed.
– Sample bathroom shed now on display in the green space by the shower building. These sheds available from Twilite Mfg for $5987.00. They will deliver for this price as long as site is easily accessible and area prepared, ie foundation blocks in place etc.
– Details for spring meeting arranged. Yvette, Joan, Joanne, Paul, Brad & Nelda will help with registration. John will look after tables. All are expected to be there by 9AM
Meeting adjourned at 12 noon.
Respectfully submitted by Joan James

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