JUNE 20TH, 2015
PRESENT: Trevor Winters, Brad Collett, Gloria Belliveau, Joyce Harland, Nelda Didychuk, Joan James, JoAnn Lombaert, Brian McVicar, Keith Vinthers, Paul Barnabe, Andrew Urbanowicz.
ABSENT: Kevin Alguire
Meeting called to order at 9:15 a.m.
Past President Brian McVicar took over the floor. He stated that there have been two recent incidents when Parks staff have been criticized or attacked by a member of this Board and that these incidents have negatively impacted our working relationship with the Park. He stated that the first incident occurred last fall when someone approached the RMNP Superintendent while she was at a meeting in Winnipeg and made comments critical of two Parks employees who work closely with the Board. The second incident occurred in the TR McCoys restaurant in Wasagaming in May when the President was overheard making remarks critical to a Parks employee. The Past President then stated that in his opinion the current President was responsible for both these incidents, as his sources indicated this to be the case. The President indicated that he has not spoken to the Superintendent in over 3 years and that he has not been in TR McCoys restaurant this year, and has not made any negative statements about Parks employees. The Past President agreed to meet privately with the President at the end of the meeting to detail what he had heard and who he had heard it from. The meeting then went back to the Agenda.
Approval of Agenda – additions- Preparations for Fall Annual General Meeting Elections.

Procedures for July 5 General Meeting at Jamboree Hall – Need tables, chairs and volunteers.


The Board was reviewing guidelines for the sake of clarity and to recommend to the park any items which we felt required the park to clarify.

John said that he felt that Waskeseu went overboard on their guidelines, making them too exacting which resulted in the effect of row housing.

Joan explained that Waskesiu have a very complicated set of Guidelines. Our Guidelines review committee are not asking for that kind of Guidelines, but a few simple clarifications.

Andrew raised the issue of the pot lights installed on some of the newer buildings.

Joyce suggested this is mentioned in the Rac Report (Dark Sky).

Joan suggested that as mentioned in the Rac Report, some cabins could be 20 feet at front, and some have reduced street elevations to help avoid the cookie Cutter look.

Trevor said that Dale and Dwight do not issue “exceptions”, they give easements and variances.

Brad brought definitions of Decks, etc. for the Board’s information. They are as follows:

BALCONY means a raised structure that is attached to a main building and has a walking surface greater than one storey above the established grade at the ground level of that face of the building and the structure does not have a permanent roof.

DECK means a raised structure that is constructed at or slightly above the established grade, that may or may not be attached to the main building, and does not have a permanent roof.

PATIO means an exterior structure that is constructed at or slightly above the established grade, that may or may not be attached to the main building and does not have a permanent roof.

VERANDAH means a raised structure that is attached, but incidental to the main building, that is attached to or integrated with another structure such as the entry stair, porch or deck, and that may or may not have a permanent roof or overhang.

Brian suggested we leave balcony footprints out of the whole cabin footprints to encourage smaller footprints. He suggested we allow them on 16 x 24 cabin size only and only on the back.


John suggested that Park Models should be modified to hook up to electrical supply the same as all cabins. The Park have said that it is not possible.

MOTION made by Brian and seconded by Brad that we grandfather existing Park Models and any current confirmed orders for them as of June 20th, 2015 and allow no further Park Models. Voted for – Nelda,John, Joyce, Brad, JoAnn, Gloria. Voted against – Trevor, Paul, Andy, Joan ,Keith. CARRIED

Paul remarked that they may be acceptable to the Park and to some owners.

Brian said he had done a cost comparison and they are not comparable to building in costs.

Paul said that he agreed they are not comparable in cost, but serve a purpose for those who cannot afford to build, but feels that they do not have a place in the Park.

Joan talked to an owner of a Park Model who said it was a solution for her because she could not build.

Brad reminded the Board that we have to consider the future of the area.

Nelda said she feels Park Models do not fit in our area as we are a “cabin area”.

Joyce was concerned that they might not hold their value.

John said there are two sides to this story, however we are a “cabin area”.

Trevor said he does not want anyone to feel that they are second class citizens.

Brian feels that we need clear recommendations. We need to be clear that we are a “cabin area”.

Joyce wished the park would have consulted the Board before Park Models were permitted.

MOTION made by Brian and seconded by Andy that all old existing trailers be given three years to be removed. Voted for – Paul, Nelda, Brian, Joyce, Brad, JoAnn. Voted against – Trevor, Andy, Keith, John, Joan, Gloria. DEFEATED

Trevor does not want to appear to be forcing people.

Brad feels the timing is right as the water and sewer infrastructure bills are just going out.

Andy said his concern is that some are not being maintained.


Keith would like the Park to give more clarification on setbacks.


More clarification is needed.


Definitions earlier clarified. Are balconies with one foot extension considered to be part of the cabin footprint?

MOTION by Brian and seconded by Paul that in order to encourage a smaller footprint we allow a second floor balcony of eight feet by eight feet on the rear of 16 x 24 two story cabins as additional square footage (over 768 square feet). Voted for Paul, Brian, JoAnn. Voted against – Trevor, Andy, Nelda, Keith, John, Joyce, Brad, Joan, Gloria. DEFEATED

Keith asked how many cabins are 16 x 24.


Brad indicated that this is covered in the MOU.

Joan suggested that in order to avoid cookie cutter cabins, cabins should only be twenty feet at the back, and lower at the front.

John suggested that cabin peaks only should be twenty feet, and we should not allow any more twenty foot walls.

Gloria remarked that cabin owners do not have to build to twenty feet but can build a lower peak.

MOVED by Brad and seconded by John that two sheds will be allowed behind cabin if one is a bathroom shed. Bathroom sheds are to be included in the 768 square footage. A storage shed of 48 square feet will be permitted if it is within the lot lines. A storage shed is not included in the 768 square footage. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


For clarification, the maximum cabin footprint is 16 x 32, however with an attached shed (outside entry only) the footprint may be 16 x 35, with the extra three feet not counted in the 768 square footage. The maximum size of the storage shed shall be 48 square feet, shall be within the lot line, must have exterior door only and is not counted in the 768 square footage. The bathroom shed will be six feet by eight feet and shall be included in the 768 square footage

MOTION by Keith and seconded by Brad that any cabin wall greater than eight feet in height and facing the street must contain archetectural relief such as a false roof line, PLUS one or more of the following – variation in siding, feature window, gable, or variation in plane of wall.


Ground level air conditioners should be placed on the front or back of your cabin or on the side of your cabin that has your own patio and not on the side of your neighbour’s patio.


Recommend we ask the Park if they are following the recommendations in the Rac Report.


Nelda suggested that instead of reviewing the Building Guidelines every time we meet, could we consider other things like portable garages, vegetation, garbage, etc .

Gloria raised the issue of all the trees that are being removed, but no one is planting any replacements,

Joyce reminded the Board that the computer warranty runs out in August and asked if the Board wanted to purchase an extension for 2 years extra for $280. Discussion followed.

MOTION by Joyce and seconded by Brian that we purchase the warranty extension.


To be arranged by President.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.

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